Our Packages

We understand the significance of preserving the unique and life-saving potential stored within your baby’s cord blood/tissue. With a state-of-the-art facility, our family and public banking packages are mindfully curated, offering endless possibilities & promising a healthier tomorrow for your loved ones.

Family Banking Packages

Package Name Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) Cord Tissue (Minced) Primary Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) Culture (P0) Primary Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) Expansion (P1) No. of MSCs (in millions)

Treasure Hope




Adore Hope



Aspire Hope


4 million

Sustain Hope


8 million

Infinite Hope

18 million

For further details, explore the detailed descriptions below.

Treasure Hope

AED 13,500

Package includes:
✔ Cryopreservation of Cord blood (HSCs)

For donors with family history of blood diseases such as Thalassemia, Leukemia, Immune disorders, Sickle cell anemia, Lymphomas etc.

Only Cord blood (HSCs) is cryopreserved.

Adore Hope

AED 18,000

Package includes:
✔ Cryopreservation of Cord blood (HSCs)
✔ Cryopreservation of cord tissue (MSCs) at minced stage.

For donors who would like to cryopreserve the cord tissue in minced stage without isolating and culturing the cells.

Only Cord blood (HSCs) and Cord tissue (minced) are cryopreserved.

Aspire Hope

AED 35,500

Package includes:
✔ Cryopreservation of Cord blood (HSCs)
✔ Cryopreservation of cord tissue (MSCs) at minced stage.
✔ Primary MSCs culture (P0) for 3-4 weeks to obtain and cryopreserved, approximately 4 million MSCs.

For donors who would like to primary cell culture MSCs (P0) and cryopreserve approximately 4 million MSCs.

Cord Blood (HSCs), cord tissue minced tissue and four (4) million MSCs.

Sustain Hope

AED 40,500

Package includes:
✔ Cryopreservation of Cord blood (HSCs)
✔ Cryopreservation of cord tissue (MSCs) at minced stage.
✔ Expansion of Primary MSCs from Passage 0 (P0) to Passage 1 (P1) for a duration of 2-3 weeks to obtain and cryopreserved, approximately 8 million MSCs.

For donors who would like to expand Primary MSCs from P0 to P1 to cryopreserve approximately 8 million MSCs.

Cord Blood (HSCs), Minced tissue and total of eight (8) million cryopreserved MSCs

Infinite Hope

AED 50,000

Package includes:
✔ Cryopreservation of Cord blood (HSCs)
✔ Cryopreservation of cord tissue (MSCs) at minced stage.
✔ Primary MSC culture (P0) for a duration of 3-4 weeks to obtain and cryopreserved, approximately 2 million MSCs.
✔ Expansion of Primary MSCs from Passage 0 (P0) to Passage 1 (P1) for a duration of 2-3 weeks to obtain and cryopreserved, approximately 16 million MSCs.

For donors who would like to cryopreserve the MSCs in both stages of P0 and P1 to obtain 18 million MSCs.

Cord Blood (HSC), Minced tissue and total of eighteen (18) million cryopreserved MSCs.


AED 4,500

✔ Placenta tissue minced
✔ Placenta tissue at P0

Cord Vessels
✔ Umbilical cord blood vessels minced
✔ Umbilical cord blood vessels at P0

✔ Amnion minced
✔ Amnion at P0

*Available from package 2 - package 5 only; from the second quarter of 2025.

Public Banking Package

Connect Hope


Package includes:
✔ Stem Cell banking from cord blood, cord tissue, placental tissue, cord vessel and amnion tissue

We encourage you to consider public donation of stem cell banking and help "CONNECT HOPE" to those in need.

It can provide life-saving treatment for over 80 FDA-approved conditions. Additionally, your donated specimens can also contribute to important research and quality control efforts that can help advance medical science.

By donating, you are making a personal and meaningful impact, bringing hope to patients and advancing the future of medical treatments.

***All the packages are cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen (-196°C) for up to 30 years.

Stem Cell Banking Made Simple!

Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory Step 1

Download our (Umniati أمنيتي) mobile application and complete your details.

Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory Delivery Icon
Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory Delivery Icon
Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory Step 2

The cord blood/tissue collection kit will be delivered to your location.

Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory Collection Kit Icon
Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory Collection Icon
Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory Step 3

Our trained healthcare providers will collect the cord blood/tissue after the baby is delivered.

Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory Banking Icon
Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory Banking Icon
Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory Step 4

We will coordinate the collection of the cord blood/tissue from the hospital and our experts will process and ensure it is cryopreserved for 30 years.